Theme Installation Guide

WooCommerce Theme Installation Guide

User Registration

To purchase and download the theme product, you have to register and login.

Scriptzol Registration

Theme Download

To purchase and download the theme product, you have to register and login.

Scriptzol Downloads

Upload WooCommerce

Once the product downloaded, you have to unzip / extract the file on your system. The uncompressed folder will have a folder called Scriptzol and in the folder, the file is present.

Method 1

The uncompressed folder will have a file called Admin have to login to the admin panel and then search for Appearance menu. Under it, there is a option called Themes. Once clicked, you have to click on the Add New button.

wordpress theme installer method

Then you have to upload the zip file and click on Install now.

wordpress theme upload

Method 2

You have to extract the zip file to a folder. The foldername should be same as the theme name. Then it should be move under yoursite/wp-content/themes as shown below.

Wordpress Theme Method 2

Then you have to visit Appearance > Themes and click on Install now.

Once the theme is installed, it will be shown under Appearance > Themes as shown below.

Wordpress WooCommerce Installer Success


Installation done. Then the output can be checked on both frontend and admin panel according to the theme and its configuration.

PrestaShop Theme Installation Guide

User Registration

To purchase and download the theme product, you have to register and login.

Scriptzol Registration

Theme Download

To purchase and download the theme product, you have to register and login.

Scriptzol Downloads

Upload Theme

Once the product downloaded, you have to unzip / extract the file on your system. The uncompressed folder will have a folder called Scriptzol and in the folder, the file is present.

Then need to upload the zip file to the upload theme section which is present under the theme manager.

PrestaShop Theme Installer
PrestaShop Theme Upload

Once the theme is uploaded, it will be shown under the theme manager as shown below.

Theme Installed


Installation done. Then the output can be checked on both frontend and admin panel according to the theme and its configuration.

We hope this documentation helped for configuration successfully. Please feel free to contact us.

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