Magento 2 Save Cart and Buy Later User Guide

  • admin admin |
  •    20 Sep, 2023  |
Magento 2 Save Cart and Buy Later User Guide

Magento 2 Save Cart and Buy Later extension allows your customers to save their shopping carts for later purchase. This is a great way to reduce cart abandonment and increase sales. It helps to improve customer satisfaction by providing a convenient and flexible shopping experience.



  • Enable / disable in one click
  • Option for setting due days for each customer group Buy Later order
  • Admin can set / unset reminder email option for Buy Later order


  • Customer can reserve products with single click in cart page
  • Customer can see Buy Later history under my account
  • Customer can see each order details under Buy Later History
  • Customer can move products to Cart from Buy Later order at anytime
  • Customer can add comments for their reference on each Buy Later order
  • Customer can delete Buy Later order in particular

Installation Steps

Buyers will get a Zip file, they have to unzip / extract the file to their system. The uncompressed folder will have a folder called Scriptzol and you need to transfer the Scriptzol folder to your Magento 2 root directory /app/code/.

Extension Upload ftp

After the successful transfer, buyers have to run the following commands in the Magento 2 root directory with the help of terminal.

  • php bin/magento setup: upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup: di:compile
  • php bin/magento setup: static-content:deploy

After the commands running successfully, need to flush the cache in admin panel.

flush cache

cache Flush

Installation steps done.

Configuration Steps

Multiple Languages

To configure in multiple languages, UnderStore > Configuration > General > Localeinadmin panel, select the language which needed.

Translation of Languages

For translation of the content in the module, In the app/code/Scriptzol/SaveCartBuyLater/i18n” folder, need to add the file. To add a file for specific language, for eg.arabic for Saudi Arabia, ar_SA.csv is the file name format.

Magento 2 Save Cart Buy Later Language File

The file content should be like the below screenshot.

Magento 2 Save Cart Buy Later Language File Edit

Left side of the column is the original content, right side contains translations.

The file content should be like the below screenshot.

Magento 2 Save Cart Buy Later Language File Edit Columns

Single Click Enable / Disable

Admin can enable / disable the extension in a single click.

Save Cart Buy Later General Config

Set Due Days for Order

With this option admin can set due days for the customer saved orders.

Save Cart Buy Later Due Days Setting

Reminder Option for Due / Overdue Orders

Admin can toggle the option which used to remind the customer about the order due before and after the due date.

Save Cart Buy Later Due Days Reminder Setting

Frontend Output

Once the extension is enabled, customer can see the Buy Later option in cart page. By clicking, they have to confirm about reserving products.

Save Cart Buy Later Output

Buy Later Order History

Customer can look their saved / reserved order in this section.

Save Cart Buy Later Order History

Comment For Reference

Once the extension is enabled, customer can see the Buy Later option in cart page. By clicking, they have to confirm about reserving products.

Save Cart Buy Later Reference Comment

Buy Later Order Delete

Customer can look their saved / reserved order in this section.

Save Cart Buy Later Delete Order

Buy Later Order Restore

Customer can restore the saved products to the cart.

Save Cart Buy Later Restore

We hope this guide helped for configuration successfully. Please feel free to contact us.

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Buy Now: Magento 2 Save Cart and Buy Later

Contact Us: Contact Support Team

License: License Agreement


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