Scriptzol Privacy Policy

Scriptzol understands the importance of privacy and is committed to protecting it. This policy explains how we collect, store, use, and safeguard your personal information. When you sign up for and use our services, we assume you have accepted our policy.

Information Collected

We collect your IP address and web browser information when you visit If you want to create an account at Scriptzol, you must provide your personal information, which includes your name, address, and email address. When you purchase extensions from Scriptzol, you may be required to provide us with additional information such as your address, phone number, and company.

We May Collect The Following Information

  • Company Or Business Name

  • Contact Details, Including Email Address

  • Demographic Data Such As Postcode, Preferences, And Interests, Domain Name, And IP Address

  • Scriptzol Installation Information

  • Other Data Pertinent To Customer Surveys And/Or Offers

How we use your data

When you visit our site, our primary goal in collecting your information is to provide you with a secure, smooth and efficient browsing experience. This information is used to process and deliver your order, bill you, make your shopping experience more enjoyable and personalized, and communicate with you about orders and promotional updates. You can always go to my account section of your account and review and edit your personal information.

The Website uses your given information
  • Send You Information About Your Website Transactions And Communications

  • We Will Supply You With Our Products And Services

  • Impersonation And The Deletion Of Account-Related Activities Should Be Avoided

  • If You Have Any Special Occasion Needs, Please Contact Us

  • Personal Information Should Be Used Only For Contact And Verification Purposes In Connection With Website Transactions

  • Provide Any Information About Your Potential Legal Violations That The Law Requires From Judicial Authorities Such As The Procuracy, Courts, And Police Authorities

  • Apart From These Exceptions, No One Else Has The Authority To Violate Your Personal Information

How we use cookies

You can set your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or alert you when a cookie is downloaded when you use it to access the content we provide. If you don't know how to modify cookies preferences in your browser, check its help menu as each browser is unique.

Your device's operating system might have additional cookie controls. Use the simple process most modern browsers provide to stop using cookies if you don't want the information to be collected this way. Visit to learn more about managing cookies.

In addition to the cookies that the data controller uses, other parties with access to our websites may also place and access cookies on your computer. In this instance, using cookies is governed by third-party privacy policies. Please be aware that the relevant social networking cookie policies apply to our social networking accounts.

How we protect your Stores & Personal data

We guarantee the security of your personal information. Your data is kept safe on our secure server. We use SSL during the checkout process to protect the privacy of your billing information. We are committed to ensuring the security of your data. To prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure of the information we collect online, we have appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards in place.

Scriptzol has no control over events that occur as a result of unauthorized access to your personal information. We will rely on you to report any unusual occurrences that may indicate a breach in your information security. Following that, we will attempt to determine whether the security breach was related to data transmissions from our website and will notify you of the steps required to resolve the issue. Additional steps, such as reporting incidents to the police or other relevant authorities, may also be required.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standardizes data protection law across all 28 EU countries and imposes strict new rules on controlling and processing personally identifiable information (PII). It also extends the protection of personal data and data protection rights by giving control back to EU residents. GDPR replaces the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive and goes into force on May 25, 2018. It also supersedes the 1998 UK Data Protection Act.

By sending an email to our email address or written notice to the address of our registered office, you can exercise these rights. We will respond to your request as soon as we can, in one month at the latest. Please be aware that depending on the complexity and volume of the recommendations, this time frame may be extended by an additional two months. If this is the case, we will notify you of the extension and provide you with an explanation of the delay within one month of receiving your request.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Please be aware that this privacy statement may change from time to time. Scriptzol reserves the right to modify this privacy statement at any time. However, if the Privacy Policy is changed, we will update this page and, if the change is significant, we will provide a more prominent notice. If you have any further questions or concerns about this privacy statement, please contact us via the website.